When you think of Rome, and souvenirs you may pick up there, things like miniature Roman masks, Colosseum sculptures, or limoncello may come to mind. However none of them are the must have. The must have souvenir is a calendar.
This isn’t a calendar of the sights in Rome, but it is a calendar of something just as fun to look at. The best looking priests.
Casually referred to as the “sexy priest calendar” within my household, I have to say, it’s an apt descriptor. To put you in the mood to pick up a future iteration of the calendar, I’ll break down the 2023 edition.
If Matt Damon was a priest Father January has that Bad Boy look, as if he’s been recently paroled.The mysterious Father February. Nobody knows anything about him.Father March is the most sensual calendar entry.When you have a Hawaiian Luau at 10, but Mass at 11With that rugged look, Father May would not look out of place as a cast member in The GodfatherNot every priest looks like a footballer, but Father June does. Watch Tottenham try to sign himI’ve never seen a priest I’d like to have a beer more with, Father July just looks like he’s fun and would have you in hysterics regaling wacky stories from his lifeSorry Father August, you’re a little too dorky for meIf looks could kill. Unfortunately for Father September, they don’t, so he has to get his hands dirty during his part time job as a hitmanFilled with knowledge, Father October’s team wins 90% of the Vatican’s Pub QuizzesMy personal favourite, the no nonsense Father November. He just wants left alone to read his newspaper.After retiring from Professional Wrestling, Father December got ordained as a priest
Published by Pádraig Mac Cionnaith
I am sociology graduate in my 20s who has dabbled in teaching since graduating. I currently work in the pharmaceutical industry.
I am an avid music fan, who is trying to see as much of the world, experience as many things as I can, see as many of my favourite musicians live as possible and just enjoy what I’m time I’m here for.
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