Irish words you should know before visiting Ireland

Irish, or Gaeilge (not Gaelic - Gaelic is the sport) is the native language of the island of Ireland. It’s a compulsory subject to learn in the Republic of Ireland’s education system, but it’s only spoken as the first language in some regions in the far west of the country (referred to as the Gaeltacht). … Continue reading Irish words you should know before visiting Ireland

The Beaches of Donegal’s Gaeltacht: August ‘20

After our road trip took us along the North Coast, we’d decided to visit Donegal to check out some beaches. When people think of beaches, their minds often jump to the Algarve in Portugal, or south Spain, but Ireland has some truly breathtaking beaches dotted around its coastline, and after visiting White Park Bay during … Continue reading The Beaches of Donegal’s Gaeltacht: August ‘20

North Coast of Ireland: August ‘20

In this post I’m going to focus on the first half of our road trip, through County Antrim and County Derry, taking you through beautiful scenery and some very famous tourist attractions, including a UNESCO world heritage site

Derry: August ‘20

I had visited Derry a few times before as one of my closest friends studied in the university in the city, but every other time I was in Derry, I didn’t really get to see much beyond the university campus and the inside of a nightclub, but it’s a pretty sweet city. Whilst it was … Continue reading Derry: August ‘20

Marrakech: February ‘20

I was super excited to visit Marrakech, all my previous trips have been centred around Europe, this was actually my first time ever stepping foot in a non-European country, We had an early flight, but that meant we got to make the most of our first day in Morocco. When we landed and disembarked the … Continue reading Marrakech: February ‘20